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Faculty Achievement

Paper Presentation
IBA faculty presents paper at the 3rd Annual Islamic Philosophy Conference at Harvard University

IBA faculty member, Assistant Professor, Social Sciences & Liberal Arts Department, School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS), Dr. Moiz Hasan presented his research paper titled, 'The forging of realism in post-classical Islam: Jurjānī against the skeptics' at the 3rd Annual Islamic Philosophy Conference at Harvard University in December, 2021.

The Conference was organized by The American Society of Islamic Philosophy and Theology in partnership with Harvard University's Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Brandeis' Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, and The Journal of Islamic Philosophy.

Research paper Presentation
IBA faculty presents a paper on Muslim scientist Abu Nasr Al-Farabi

Dr. Moiz Hasan, presented a paper titled "Al-Farabi and His Vision of Astronomy" at a two-day international conference 'Global Al-Farabi Forum' hosted by COMSTECH, the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in Islamabad. The forum hosted 120 scholars from various countries, including United Kingdom, United States, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Nepal, Somalia and Sudan, who discussed the multi-faceted contributions of the great Muslim scientist and philosopher, Abu Nasr Al-Farabi.

Research paper Presentation
IBA faculty presents a paper at Harvard University

Assistant Professor, Social Sciences & Liberal Arts (SSLA), Dr. Moiz Hasan, presented a paper titled "Epistemological Foundations of Pre-Modern Islamic Science: Cross-Fertilizations Between Astronomy, Philosophy, Theology, and Sufism in the Works of Sayyid al-Sharīf al-Jurjānī" at the Harvard University 2nd Annual Islamic Philosophy Conference.

The conference was hosted by The American Society of Islamic Philosophy and Theology in partnership with Harvard University's Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. The conference hosted participants coming from across the globe to present papers and engage in discussion on the theme of Islamic Philosophy and Theology.